a holistic and modern approach to psychology

empowering people through therapy and partnership to support mental health

By providing a nurturing and responsive environment for people to discover, learn, grow, and realize their potential, the clients in our care are empowered through diagnoses and treatment of psychological disorders and mental health concerns across their lifespans.


Identifying the human condition is critical to shaping your life – and we are committed to owning that role.

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Clients are invited to explore a range of treatments where they can learn more about themselves.

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Our goals and focus are to help our clients build strong relationships between themselves & others.

Enquire about working with us

Curious about working with a psychologist? Complete the form below and we’ll reach out to answer any questions might have about how we can work together!


A :  Level 2 / 448 Fitzgerald S Street,

North Perth,

WA, 6006

T:    0404  072 149

E :   rexbren@optusnet.com.au